Grand Prix Environmental Award Presented to Auden Schendler of Aspen Skiing Company

Posted by Ruth Kruger on April 10, 2015










Ruth Kruger, local real estate broker, Is the new president of the U.S. Chapter of the International Real Estate Federation.
The acronym for The International Federation is FIABCI. It is a Paris based organization so it does not translate well into English.

FIABCI has been in existence for 66 years and is in 65 countries, with 65 academic members, and 100 Professional Associations with 3000 members in all disciplines related to real estate.

FIABCI also holds special consultative status with the United Nations and has partnered with the World Bank, NAR and many others.

The international Prix de Excellence awards program has been in existence for over 20 years but the US award is 3 years young.

The award presented Friday March 31st, 2015 celebrates projects that exceed industry standards to create a built environment that excels in community amenities, technology, sustainability and architecture.

This Environmental Award was presented to Auden Schendler of the Aspen Skiing Company for their work at the Elk Creek coal mine near Somerset that recaptures methane gas and transforms it into electrical power.   This project exemplifies to the world how to collaborate with big business in order to turn the tide of climate change by becoming a carbon conscious company.  In so many ways this project is the key to a changed world.
Congratulations to Auden and Skico for all they do for the environment and our community.

To speak to Ruth about international real estate please call 970.404.4000 or email


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